Jeg likte boka svært godt. Det er mye humor og en dose selvironi (som brite innflyttet til Danmark er det klart at han er noe farget), i tillegg til en god del fakta og skråblikk på ulike sider av "den nordiske modellen" og dens konsekvenser. Jeg syns nesten det blir vanskelig å skrive mer om boka, ble du nysgjerrig plukk opp og les. Jeg avslutter med noen sitater.
But I am afraid to say that over the years I have com to detest hygge somewhat. It wasn't the cheap, fizzy beer (how did they ever have the nerve to claim it was 'probably the best' ? It's like claiming Sunblest is the best bread), the curried herring or the communal singing in which the Danes inevitably indulge when more than two of them are gather and whic can drag out a formal Danish dinner to interminable lengths, that ultimately turned me against hygge; it was more hygge's tyrannical, reletless drive towards middleground consensus; its insistence on avoidance of any potentially conroversial topics of conversation; it's need to keep things light and breezy - the whole comfortable, self-congradulatory, petit bourgeois smugness of it all.(Om dansk hygge og som introduksjon til utforskingen av denne)
One cannot overemphasise, I think, how very, very few Icelanders there actually are. If they were an animal species, they would be on WWF's endangered list - the human equivalent of a yellow-nosed albatross.(Om Island og utfordringene det kan by på at en ofte lett har bekjentskap med hverandre)
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